
people walking

In search of wealth,

We are ignoring our health

To get the peace of mind,

We have to devote some time


Now it's the time to reform,

Time to perform

Time to take an action,

For our mental satisfaction


Say no to tension,

Find a connection

Don't be an emotional fool,

Just make it a bit cool


Be curious,

But not furious

Stop overthinking,

Start performing


Don't be lazy,

Let's do something crazy

Be focused,

To avoid ruckus


Be diligent,

But never forget to be vigilant

Face the hurdle,

Without any muddle


Don't make it a mess,

Just confess

Don't fry,

Just give it a try


Don't surrender,

Come to a remainder

Have a word,

To make it work


Stop being lonely,

Find someone friendly

Have some rest,

To make it best.

